Matrix Drilling Australia

Welcome To MATRIX


Matrix offers a wide range of drilling services including geotechnical, environmental, and sonic drilling.


Matrix Drilling undertakes environmental and geotechnical drilling programs for industry consultants as well as working directly for government authorities, mining companies, their contractors and infrastructure providers.

Matrix Drilling provides the following specific drilling services:

  • sonic drilling
  • solid stem augering
  • hollow stem augering
  • direct push soil sampling
  • rotary air (down hole hammer)
  • rotary mud
  • diamond coring (NMLC/NQ, HQ, PQ)
  • geotechnical testing (SPT, U-tube sampling etc.)
  • straddle packer testing (Lugeon test)
  • borehole grouting & decommissioning
  • earth stake / earth rod installations
  • concrete coring and cutting
  • non-destructive digging (NDD)
  • injection of remediation materials
  • installation of groundwater monitoring wells and soil vapour extraction (SVE) wells
  • installation of wells for air sparging systems
  • in-situ groundwater and gas monitoring using direct push systems
  • insitu shear vane and piston sampling
  • down hole camera inspections and recording
  • waste management (soil and groundwater)
  • installation of vibrating wire piezometers (VWP)


We also provide a comprehensive suite of related services, including sample collection, soil logging, well rehabilitation and pump testing.

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