Whether for residential, commercial or industrial applications, Matrix Drilling has the people and equipment to make your water boring job a success. We can give you information about the likely quality and quantity of groundwater available at your site and can assess the site and recommend the best place for the installation.
Before a water bore can be drilled, a licence is required prior to any work being started in both NSW and Victoria. Please obtain a licence prior to engaging us (however do not hesitate contacting us for the drilling information that will be required on the application form).
In NSW you will need to obtain a Water Access Licence (WAL) – please visit Water NSW here – https://www.waternsw.com.au/customer-service/water-licensing/about-licences/water-access-licences/applying-for-a-new-water-access-licence
In Victoria you will need to obtain a Works Licence (WL) – please visit Water Register here where you will need to register as a new user if you haven’t already – https://mywater.waterregister.vic.gov.au/
Once you have your licence call Matrix Drilling on 1300 662 565 for an obligation-free quote to drill and install a water bore at your property.
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