Matrix Drilling Australia


Water Bores

Matrix Drilling will make your water boring job a success

Whether for residential, commercial or industrial applications, Matrix Drilling has the people and equipment to make your water boring job a success. We can give you information about the likely quality and quantity of groundwater available at your site and can assess the site and recommend the best place for the installation.

Where do you start?

Before a water bore can be drilled, a licence is required prior to any work being started in both NSW and Victoria.  Please obtain a licence prior to engaging us (however do not hesitate contacting us for the drilling information that will be required on the application form).

Where do I go for a licence?

In NSW you will need to obtain a Water Access Licence (WAL) –  please visit Water NSW here –

In Victoria you will need to obtain a Works Licence (WL) – please visit Water Register here where you will need to register as a new user if you haven’t already –


Once you have your licence call Matrix Drilling on 1300 662 565 for an obligation-free quote to drill and install a water bore at your property.

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