Our blog contains up to date information & research related to our drilling services in Melbourne.
A career in drilling can be both rewarding and challenging, requiring specialised skills learned mainly on the job. At Matrix Drilling, we recommend the following advice for aspiring driller assistants to help them succeed in this demanding profession. Starting a Career in Drilling Mentorship is critical when starting in the drilling industry. Experienced drillers offer […]
Matrix Drilling, a leading provider of specialised drilling services in Melbourne, is celebrating a remarkable achievement. Six of their off-siders have recently acquired their drilling licences in Victoria, marking a significant milestone for the company and the individuals involved. Obtaining a drilling licence in Victoria is no small feat. It requires passing rigorous tests and […]
As you consider whether to use geotechnical drilling for your upcoming project, it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the possible drawbacks. This process can provide invaluable data about subsurface conditions that inform engineering and construction. However, it requires careful planning and execution to maximise value while minimising risk. In this article, we […]
When observing Melbourne’s CBD, with its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, it is easy to overlook the sophisticated engineering efforts that support these impressive structures. Central to these efforts is geotechnical drilling, a critical process that provides essential data about subsurface conditions, enabling the design and construction of stable foundations for the city’s infrastructure. In […]
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